Classic Calligraphy for Beginners - An Update

May 24, 2022

My new book "Classic Calligraphy for Beginners" will be releasing soon! Initially it was scheduled to release June 14th but I just heard from my publisher last week that due to unforeseen shipping delays, the pub date will be pushed back to July 12, 2022. The UK and ebook publication date will still remain as is! Of course I am a bit disappointed, but after working on it for over a year, waiting one more month will be worth it :) Thank you for your patience and understanding ❤️

As we count down together, I wanted to take this time to answer the following question I received recently: "What is the difference between your new book and your practice pads? Will your new book cover most of the materials in the practice pads?"

 To help answer the question, let me show you the table of contents from the new book:

As you can see, the book will have some basic introduction to calligraphy, Copperplate, Spencerian, and a chapter that includes flourishing, brush lettering, and faux calligraphy. There are exemplars in the book, but due to page limitations, the instructional portion of the book will not be as extensive as my practice pads or online courses. This section takes up about 45% of the book.

Then, the latter half of the book will be filled with creative projects and step by step tutorial on how you can actually apply and use calligraphy in your life! We broke down the projects into 3 main categories (nib, brush, pen) so you can see how calligraphy is not confined to just a dip pen, especially as you work with various surfaces. My desire for this section is to inspire and motivate you to work on tangible, fun projects that are easy to follow.

Copperplate Practice Pads

I've created these practice pads back in 2016! The idea came after seeing how much tracing my letters helped build muscle memory for my workshop students. There were no other Copperplate traceable pads/sheets in the market at the time. So, I created these practice pads as a resource for anyone to dive right in and practice Copperplate. Unlike the book, with these pads, you can write directly on them or place a sheet of translucent paper on top of each page. 

To summarize, the new book is a great introduction to calligraphy filled with photos and projects to inspire you. My Copperplate practice pads are practical resources for those who want to self learn by tracing my letters. Lastly, my extensive online courses are for those who are serious about gaining a strong foundation in the specific scripts/techniques. I hope that clarifies things! 

On a side note: I remember when I first started learning Copperplate in 2014, I couldn't find many books on it. If there were, it was written more like a textbook or some books briefly mentioned it among 10 other calligraphy scripts. For me, I chose to highlight Copperplate and Spencerian not only because I love how elegant these scripts are, but because they complement one another nicely. So grateful for my publisher Quarto who initially approached me with a completely different idea, but was open to working with me so we could create this book that we can both be proud of ❤️


If you haven't yet, make sure to preorder your copy before June 1 to snag your gifts including this downloadable print! ✨


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